As we approached the celebration of Christmas once again, we wish to thank all those who continue to be a part of The Shared Table. Firstly those who consistently give on a yearly basis their $1.00 a week to feed the children of our Kitchens, of which there are now seven. This is the support upon which The Shared Table is based. We especially acknowledge the work of our contact people who not only collect money, but keep our participants informed.

We also thank those whose contributions outside of this have enabled us to set up the infrastructure necessary for The Shared Table to function. You cannot feed children without plates, spoons, cups, tables and chairs.

Through this blogspot we would especially like to acknowledge the recent contributions of the BALLARAT DIOCESE, the SOCIETY OF ST. COLUMBAN and PFD FOOD SERVICES PTY LTD AUSTRALIA, whose contributions have enabled us to complete the first and second stages of the Community Outreach Centre at Motupe. Out of this Centre, one of our bigger Kitchens operates.

And beyond the shores of Australia, we acknowledge the ongoing support of the children of the Parish Primary School of Hollywood, Co Wicklow, Ireland.

The children who benefit from The Shared Table wish all our friends a very happy and holy Christmas.